In the story of the bond-servant, Christ identified that just obtaining salvation does not complete the process of being transformed to a life completely surrendered and submitted to God the Father. One must release the right to oneself so that the hindrance of “self” does not inhibit the important step of the saved moving beyond just knowing Christ as savior to knowing Him as LORD. Only then can true “freedom” be experienced. Why? God has license to guide the life of the surrendered. Unfortunately, many believers never obtain the satisfaction of knowing Christ as LORD. Never experiencing the “freedom” that the release of “right to self” provides. “Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God” (1 Peter 2:16). Grace affords the believer, who repents (turns away to never repeat) from his or her sin, the “clean slate” or complete forgiveness from the penalty of disobedience of God. Like the protection a liability insurance...