
Showing posts from 2019


Does leadership equate to authority? Manager not = leadership Motive? Success or status? Servant leader.... What value system do you have? Is failure a key to being successful? Building muscle analogy....body system analogy.... Know your place: who you are and who you are not. . Delegate...brings sense of value to individual. Confidence self and management. Respond as oppose to react. Focus: Establish and sustain KINGDOM influence. Rescue- Requires a team {one man is an island [For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; ROMANS 14:7 NASB]} Goal: Encourage/develope individual responder responsibility. (Empowerment)! Plan: Teach CPR- Goal, maintain or resuscitate life. Return of Spontaniuos Respiration C- Compassion- care enough to bring a change ( face the issue) S- Strategize- negotiate O-Observe behavior ( R- Resources (disciplinary policy) How does the Kingdom Responder foster change in another? A) Ignore behavoir...

Fighting The Good Fight

I've been watching YouTube videos of our military on patrol in Afghanistan.  The insurgents are relentless in their attacks. Their tactics are such to cause chaos. Their goal, to target the emotion (fear) through attempting to inflict doubt.  I've watched and learned how ground troops communicate with the A10 pilots to coordinate counter attacks. Often after taking a significant amount of time surveying, taking account the enemies movements, learning how the insurgents move, what weapons they have, all while being fired upon. Not immediately fighting back due to the understanding of giving up position.   My mind sees myself as a soldier for the Kingdom who's enemy is relentless in his attacks, a desire is to cause chaos in my life in which will bring my gaurd down making me vulnerable.  I pray for strength. Prayer reminds me I'm not alone. Prayer is speaking to my commander, obtaining "air support" and communicating with the other troops...

Just A Messenger

I'm just a messenger contrite yet sincere. I'm submitted to deliver the message of whom the author wants His world to hear. I'm not here for myself aiming high, shooting for esteem of man. I'm just to obey my master, fulfill His masterful plan. To achieve a goal, yet not completely known, just completing the steps, being responsible for what I've been shown. Deligence is key! Complete the race even though those to whom the prize is prepared, will never know my face. I'm to be content for my prize is awaiting my arrival into that promise land where my master is awaiting to great me face to face and walk in the garden holding my hand. © Clinton Fleming 

Are you serving your call?

"You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you." John 15:16 NASB

Lean Not On Your Own Understanding

"The golden rule to follow to obtain spiritual understanding is not one of intellectual pursuit, but one of obedience."                                                                                                                         - Oswald Chambers As we see in Proverbs 3:5-6 , saints are instructed not to lean on his or her own understanding. Why? It obstructs the view of God.  The view is translated into an ability to trust God with not only the most simple of concerns but the most complex concerns as well. Psalm 3 Taking action without first seeking God's will and patiently waiting on His answer may cause further distress in one's life by creating outcomes an...

Five Characteristics of a Relationship with God.

For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord , ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ declares the Lord , ‘and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ declares the Lord , ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’ JEREMIAH 29:11‭-‬14 NASB God had to let go of His son. Jesus moved from Heaven to earth. The outcome was worth the expense ( opportunity cost of staying with His father). 1) Relationship: Christ's relationship with His Father was the foundation of His identify. Relationship requires trust, surrender and submission, and commitment (obedience). 2)  Identity: Christ's identity established His value. One must know his/her ident...

God's Will And Our Responsibility

"This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him." 1 JOHN 5:14‭-‬15 NASB These passages are in no way suggesting that because I "ask if God", that I will "get from God". Verse 15 is submissive, dependent on verse 14, God's will. Also, verse 15 implies that whatever I ask, I'm responsible to ask according to His will and not my own.

Know Your Identity, Value, Purpose, and Responsibility.

Satan: Who in the hell do you think you are? Saint: I don't associate myself with hell, my association is with the Kingdom of God! Satan: Oh really?  I see a hypocrite, a sinner behind the door, a liar, one who covets your neighbor, has lustful thoughts, murderer, never satisfied, etc. My point? Don't decieve yourself! Fool! Saint: Well, if looking through your eyes, I might understand your argument. BUT, I see through the eyes of Gid! My Father in heaven, the King, ruler over you warns me to not view myself through my own eyes; "Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight" Isaiah 5:21.  I am free from your blame, attempting to shame me into guilt. My FREEDOM is a GIFT!J James1:16-17. A gift given because, regardless of the evidence you have against me, I believe!! I know because my freedom was purchased with Christ's sacrificial obedience. You know, His death on the cross which you witnessed that broke the...

The Math of a Disciple of God

Knowledge + Practice = Understanding   Prov. 2:1-5   + James 1:22 =   Ephesians 2:8-10

Going Home

Well, its that place on my path that turns ever so much, that you and I will not see each other for a while. Our parting is bittersweet. When you think of me, just smile. I’m looking forward to what is around the bend, a new life beginning, an old life comes to an end. Oh, don’t you worry about me, I will not be alone. Jesus is there waiting for me at the gate where  I’ll be given a crown of which I will lay down at His feet as I kneel before Him at the threshold of His throne. This is the part of my journey I’ve read and heard about so many times. No longer will I wonder what the sight will  be, for soon I will gaze upon its glory and with my own eyes see, my Father in heaven with open arms, waiting for me. So, I know you understand the subtle conflict within my heart, while temporary, it is sad to comprehend that we must part but without it, my new beginning would never start. My request, stay on this path, keep up with it’s pace. Be submitted and surrend...

Acting Out Your Faith

“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”       John 15:13 The early concept of resuscitatng persons whom suffered sudden death was developed in 1740 by the Paris Academy of Sciences. Through its  recommendation of mouth to mouth breathing, the academy developed the practice to help resuscitate drowning victims. In 1767, the Society for the Recovery of Drowned Persons, became  the first organized effort by civic minded citizens in Amsterdam to respond to sudden death. This theory became so popular, that is spread throughout Europe. Hamburg Germany passed an ordiance in 1769 providing notices to be read in churches describing assistance for drowned, strangled, or frozen victims.  In 1891, Dr. Friedrich Maass performed the first documented chest compressions on a human. In 1956 doctors Peter Safar and James Elam developed mouth to mouth resuscitation. It was 1960 before cardiopulmon...

What is a Father?

F  riend.      -Relational A  dvocate. -Fills the gap T  eacher.    -Instills knowledge H  helper.     -Actively helps E   lder.         -Leader, encourager R   eliable.    -Trustworthy, dependable

All your might!

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." Deuteronomy 6:5 NASB might2 /mīt/Submit  Learn to pronounce noun noun: might great and impressive power or strength, especially of a nation, large organization, or natural force. I finished reading Deuteronomy 6:5 when my thoughts focused on the words "shall" and "might", two powerful words. "Shall" is an action word which is very assertive, authoritative. The word leaves no room for selfish opinion which can lead to disobedience. From the very beginning, Moses makes it clear that God instructs His people to love Him. Interesting that God chose three words which reflect the three main components of a person's  nomenclature. What one can imply, God's intention is to summon or call His creation to Him. For what? To love Him as He loves us. The second word "might" is what first captured my attention. It is interesti...

Portable Pocket Snowflake Protection! For Only $19.95! | Elbert Guillory's America

Portable Pocket Snowflake Protection! For Only $19.95! | Elbert Guillory's America : Portable protection for snowflakes!...


Serve God from the inside out. Mathew 22:37-40