Enduring Hope
" To hope is to believe. Continue to have hope in what you desire, for if you lose hope, you've lost the dream." ~Clinton Fleming In the Bible, there is a description of what happens when one is "justified with Christ" or "made exempt" of the penalty of sin. Paul writes about it in the fifth chapter of Romans. Paul writes that we can "exult" or "be excited, joyful" in the hope of the glory of God (Father, Son (Christ), Holy Spirit) because of having faith in Jesus Christ. Understand, without Christ, no one can enter the kingdom of God, or "see His glory". When Christ died on the cross, He broke the barrier, or "veil" that separated man from seeing God. Only those who were "holy" or "made hole", the Jewish priests could enter the most holy place, the place where God made Himself available, the tabernacle. Forgiveness of sin was made through sacrifices of the most pure, first ...