
Showing posts from August, 2014

Enduring Hope

" To hope is to believe. Continue to have hope in what you desire, for if you lose hope, you've lost the dream." ~Clinton Fleming             In the Bible, there is a description of what happens when one is "justified with Christ" or "made exempt" of the penalty of sin. Paul writes about it in the fifth chapter of Romans.  Paul writes that we can "exult" or "be excited, joyful" in the hope of the glory of God (Father, Son (Christ), Holy Spirit) because of having faith in Jesus Christ. Understand, without Christ, no one can enter the kingdom of God, or "see His glory".  When Christ died on the cross, He broke the barrier, or "veil" that separated man from seeing God. Only those who were "holy" or "made hole", the Jewish priests could enter the most holy place, the place where God made Himself available, the tabernacle. Forgiveness of sin was made through sacrifices of the most pure, first ...

Enduring Peace

Isaiah 26:3 " The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, Because he trusts in you."             I would like to start by defining peace using the scripture. In Ephesians 2:14, inner peace is established through Christ's presence in you.  In John 16:33 Jesus stated "In Me you may have peace."             Inner peace is obtained when you have the presence of God in you.  When you trust God you are able to obtain confidence that will surpass your understanding Philippians 4:7.   I have some questions. ·          How do you respond when troubled? Turn to an addiction for instant gratification? Lash out?  Run away?  Avoid circumstance? ·          Where do you turn when you are uncertain, fearful, in doubt, angry, disappointed? Do you turn to an add...

Heart of Stone


Enduring Faith

            James 1:2-4 " 2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have it's perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."                     I woke this morning around 3:30 a.m. thinking about my book.  I sighed at the idea of getting up to write. I did and went to my office. The chapter I am focusing on is Gaining Autonomy. I am discussing the responsibility Christians must accept  in their "freedom" in Christ.  I am reminded of what I have written earlier in the book, you as a believer do not have a right to yourself.  At the time of salvation, you became a " bond servant " to the Kingdom of God.  An ambassadors to the true one and only King.  Christ anguished over His death, but endured the proce...

Understanding Leadership

John 12:13-17 12  So when He had washed their feet, and   taken His garments and reclined   at the table again, He said to them,   “Do you know what I have done to you?   13  You call Me   Teacher and   Lord; and   you are right, for   so   I am.   14  If I then,   the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.   15  For I gave you   an example that you also should do as I did to you.   16  Truly, truly, I say to you,   a slave is not greater than his master, nor   is   one who is sent greater than the one who sent him. 17  If you know these things, you are   blessed if you do them                         Leadership is a trait, not just a position. Leadership requires relationship with those you lead. He or she und...

Esteemed by God

When I surrender to God it allows Him to fulfill His will for me at the time He calls for it to be.  1 Peter 5:6 "Therefore humble yourselves under the might hand of God, that He might exalt you at the proper time".  The sooner I submit and surrender to God, the sooner the work will begin. Just going through the motions of being a Christian for goodness sake does not equal surrender. Christ surrendered to His fathers will many years before God exalted Him. John 13:12-17 depicts how we are to serve. Surrendered! Christ did not come to earth to establish a kingdom for Himself and nor should we.

What motivates you?

As people, you and I are exposed to a number of motivators.  Those may include but not be limited to:         Job Security         Appreciation for work you have done         Promotional opportunity within your work         Tactful disciplining         Good wages         Emotional values         Interest in your work         Working conditions        People understanding you   As Christians, our motivator may include some of those listed above, but, our dominant motivator should be to give God glory in all we do.  As save believers, we are called to further the kingdom.  We were called to fulfill the great commission and live according to the two great commandments.  I believe one of the greatest motivators you or I could have to live out our lives knowing...

Fulfilling the Great Commission: How important are you?

  40-50% of youth leave the Christian faith after graduating from their youth group and head to college (Powell, K. Dr., Stickyfaith, 2014, p.18). As a man, husband, father, ministry leader/developer,  I have accepted the responsibility of "duplicating" my faith with others (Great Commission). Responding to the Call desires to disciple first responders and develop Christian leaders within those careers that will bring the gospel to those they have influence with. Many departments, either law enforcement, fire, or ems have explorer programs that help mentor young adults preparing for college to enter the one of the career disciplines as a first responder.  This ministry is prepared to provide opportunity for high school students, college students, and those serving as first responders. A ministry sustained throughout the career lifespan. Pray!  I am working with those in local departments to help obtain the goals mentioned abov...

"White Owl" by Josh Garrels


God's Little Soldier

There you are in your place of battle like a cowboy on a bronco fighting to stay on the saddle. God's strength and stamina are what you require, like a fireman who needs water in order to fight the fire. The LORD has placed you where you are for a reason, to prepare those who don't know Him for His upcoming season. Continue to look for the LORD's direction. Don't forget, that no matter how good of an example you try to be you have not yet reached perfection. Go on with your duty and believe in your heart, God always finishes what He starts.  Copyright Clint Fleming Philippians 1:6