Happy New Year

Well, Another page to be turned over as we look ahead to a new year. Hopefully 2020 served to open the eyes of each to see how prevalent and diffuse the enemy is. If there was ever a need for focus, it is now. What is necessary for each as we are called to focus on Fathers will/plan? 1) Relationship: Relationship is key!!!! Each member of the body must be in constant communication with the triune God head. A healthy relationship with God is not only being mindful of Him, but intentionally seeking Him in mind, body, and soul. Praying to Father, studying His word and doing as He instructs through His word and Spirit are exercises to build a deep, intimate relationship with Father. Obedience!! Physical exercise allows for your circulation to flow uninterrupted. So does your Spiritual and mental exercise. Mediocrity is the agent to induce imminent Spiritual death. 2) Communication: Communication is a necessary component of any relationsh...