
Showing posts from 2017

Oneness with Christ

It has been my experience, that there are times when Father allows my prayer to become active. I mean, dig into the content of what it is I am praying about. So, in obedience, woke this morning at 5 am to "dig in" to the Bible to learn at least one example of what it means to be "one" with God...Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Did you know that James was the half brother (Matt 13:55, Mark 6:3) of Jesus Christ? It is interesting that James, having been given the prime opportunity to "know" or be "one" with Christ, would be so, but not so. Not until later (Christ's death and resurrection) in his life would he surrender to the understanding of his half brother as LORD and Savior. I guess this shows that association does not necessarily equate relationship. "It is suggested by Christian scholars that James' audience were those "twelve tribes scattered among the nations" (James 1:1) Jewish-Christians who scattered out into the far-fl...

Live A Sanctified Life

Paul spoke this in love, not ridicule. A warm reminder to us of what sanctification is. A warning so we will not be lulled asleep by our flesh, apple if you will. The enemy knows what will make us guilty of Father's rath, hoping we would be so overcome with guilt and shame so to close our eyes to the cross, forgetting our redemer,  Jesus Christ of Nazareth . The one who sanctified the flesh through His death and resurrection. "For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor, not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God; and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you.  For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification." 1 Thessalonians 4:3‭-‬7 NASB

Christ Has No Body Now But Yours (featuring Josh Garrels)


"Though You Slay Me" (featuring John Piper)

We may not understand why tragedy occurs. Human instinct is to try to "figure out" the "WHY?" during and after such tragic events. Affliction causes pain. There is no quick remedy in nature to emotional pain and suffering which accompany such tragic events such as witnessed in Las Vegas.  My hope is that you and others seek God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)  not so much for answers, but for rest and comfort of the mind, body, and Spirit. Most often, in the surrender and submission to the Holy Spirit, we find rest in God. One may release fears, anger, resentment, and loss of control to God. I have found in my many years in Emergency Medicine, that the only way I could endure the tragedy I witnessed was to find strength through trusting in God. I do not hide or bury my pain (however expressed) by ignoring it. I confront it knowing God is with me. I do not seek understanding as much as I do the realization of the reality of living in a "fallen" world. I k...

Pure At All Times

"But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.  Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." Luke 6:35‭-‬36 NASB Father! Help me to surrender and submit to your call on a daily basis.  May your words be reflected in my attitude. May my heart reflect my obedience to your will when the "heat" is turned up. Help me to remember my responsibility to my enemies when my rage is stirred up within me like the sediment at the bottom of a clear river. Do not allow my flesh to contaminate the purity of living water you have poured into me. May your life infiltrate every cell that my body contains so when my enemies attack me like a thief in ambush, your living water will pour out of me drowning my enemy with the LOVE you have bestowed upon me. I want to be a mirror reflecting you to all who see me. -Clint



The Mediocrity of Christian Men in America


Psalm 139:15-16 (Live At The Mill)


George Beverly Shea - It Is No Secret ( 1975 )


Do Not Get Distracted!

Attempt made to distract Jesus- Luke 4:1-13 (NASB) Identity, value, purpose, and responsibility - Obtained through our inheritance to the Kingdom of God through our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. IDENTITY: "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come." 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NASB) Paul accepted his identity; "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." Galations 12:20 (NASB) Reference ( VALUE: How do you place your value? In Jesus’ hierarchy of value, people held a higher place than the rest of the creation. Consider the full text of the first part of the passage from the Sermon on the Mount, partially quoted ...

What Is Your Destiny?

History Repeating The LORD lead me to this scripture  in my time with Him this morning. Interesting how the same events are occurring today. There is a reason why. Do you know? Please share your answer in the comments. Is CHRISTAIN just a title you poses or a lifestyle? What defines being a Christian? Hint: It's not considering yourself or being considered a "good" person. What is your IDENTITY in the Kingdom of God? Who do you identify with, this world or God the Father? What is your VALUE to God the Father? Why does God desire to give you PURPOSE? What responsibility do you have toward your fellow man? What is the Great Commission? What are the two Great Commandments? Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the first  "First Responder". He came to rescue man from the perils of a fallen world, a life captive by Satan's destructive ways. Christ did not horde His knowledge or practice to Himself. He came to teach us. How? By giving you and me His identity, v...