
Showing posts from April, 2019

Going Home

Well, its that place on my path that turns ever so much, that you and I will not see each other for a while. Our parting is bittersweet. When you think of me, just smile. I’m looking forward to what is around the bend, a new life beginning, an old life comes to an end. Oh, don’t you worry about me, I will not be alone. Jesus is there waiting for me at the gate where  I’ll be given a crown of which I will lay down at His feet as I kneel before Him at the threshold of His throne. This is the part of my journey I’ve read and heard about so many times. No longer will I wonder what the sight will  be, for soon I will gaze upon its glory and with my own eyes see, my Father in heaven with open arms, waiting for me. So, I know you understand the subtle conflict within my heart, while temporary, it is sad to comprehend that we must part but without it, my new beginning would never start. My request, stay on this path, keep up with it’s pace. Be submitted and surrend...

Acting Out Your Faith

“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”       John 15:13 The early concept of resuscitatng persons whom suffered sudden death was developed in 1740 by the Paris Academy of Sciences. Through its  recommendation of mouth to mouth breathing, the academy developed the practice to help resuscitate drowning victims. In 1767, the Society for the Recovery of Drowned Persons, became  the first organized effort by civic minded citizens in Amsterdam to respond to sudden death. This theory became so popular, that is spread throughout Europe. Hamburg Germany passed an ordiance in 1769 providing notices to be read in churches describing assistance for drowned, strangled, or frozen victims.  In 1891, Dr. Friedrich Maass performed the first documented chest compressions on a human. In 1956 doctors Peter Safar and James Elam developed mouth to mouth resuscitation. It was 1960 before cardiopulmon...

What is a Father?

F  riend.      -Relational A  dvocate. -Fills the gap T  eacher.    -Instills knowledge H  helper.     -Actively helps E   lder.         -Leader, encourager R   eliable.    -Trustworthy, dependable