
Showing posts from February, 2014

Know who you serve.

Looking at the previous blog, David was able to be identified as Israel's new leader because his heart was to serve God for all the right reasons. As we see in 1 Samuel, Saul served for all the wrong reasons and God abandoned him. Do you know who you are serving? Where is your heart? Colossians 3:23-24 " Whatever you do, work at it will all your heart, as working for The Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is The Lord Christ you are serving".  Even service to God can become an idol. What I mean, service to God does not substitute for an intimate relationship with Him. It is an outcome, or more commonly know as fruit , "They will be know by their fruit". Mathew 7:20. I understand that I can and will fall, but when I do, God is there to life me up. God's grace provides the opportunity for repentance or change my direction away from my sin, not continue on the path toward it. ...

Facing the Giants

In the book of First Samuel we learn about the story of David and Goliath. Before we can look at the epic battle between a seemingly wimp and a man and a man full of himself, we must learn of what brought these two men together.( Read 1 Samuel chapters 1-15). Saul was the king of Israel. Saul's heart was not one after God's own heart. Saul, even though gave the appearance of a Godly man, did not desire to serve God in his heart, but instead wanted to abuse his authority to serve himself. Saul rejected the word of the LORD, he was disobedient. Because of his disobedience, God dethroned Saul, even after a weak half-hearted attempt to repent. David was a man after God's own heart. Even though David did not have the outward appearance of a king, God saw that he did have the inward appearance, a surrendered heart willing to obey and   trust in the power of his God. Because of his desire to serve God with humility, God raised David to be the king of Israel. The battle b...

Love God

  I love God because He first loved me, I love God because He died on a tree, I love God for the wonders He's done, I love God because He gave up His Son. Eliana Fleming 2014

Developing Our Relationship With God- Submission

sub·mis·sion noun \səb-ˈmi-shən\ : an act of giving a document, proposal, piece of writing, etc., to someone so that it can be considered or approved : an act of submitting something : something that is submitted : the state of being obedient : the act of accepting the authority or control of someone else Developing a relationship with God requires the recognition of our need to surrender ourselves to His control. The opportunity is not just a onetime deal.   It is a continuous process at each step of the journey. You and I will experience these opportunities each and every time we make a decision to follow Godly principles that serve to direct our decisions, actions, and concerns. Every time you or I decide to go to God for guidance, we are opening an opportunity for Him to be a part of our lives and the opportunity for ourselves to surrender, and give Him control. This is a sign of our growth.   Remem...

Developing Our Relationship With God- Communication

Distribution of adults along Transformational Journey   Unaware of sin                                   1% Indifferent to sin                              16% Worried about sin                            39% Forgiven of sin                                     9% Forgiven and active              ...

As for Me and My House - John Waller


Change-Being intentional

As with any relationship, a relationship with Christ must be intentional. Each one of us must invest not only the time and effort, but our desire. I know all too well just what costs there are if I do not invest my mind, spirit, and body (my all) into my relationship with Christ. Like any investment, the dividend is greatly dependent on the deposit. What are you passionate about? Why? How much time do you spend thinking about it or doing it? What do you do for entertainment? (spending time on Internet, TV., video games, hunting, family) How much time do you invest in it? What lasting satisfaction is obtained? What lasting return do you get for your efforts/investment? Should you get anything in return? Mathew 25 describes the parable of the talents. The idea is that we take what relationship we have with Christ, invest in it, and grow it. Why? You are significant. You have purpose and meaning.   God wants you as His own. What return do you have to offer ...