
Showing posts from January, 2018

Identity Crisis

Ever wonder why so many churches are still "branding" themselves? Today's institutional church seems so much like big business....because it is. Too much disunity in the form of denominations and nondenominational brands "competiting" for your "business"... attendence and tithe. Obviously, the bigger you are, the richer you are must mean your doing something right....Right? Just because a brand is popular does not mean it's quality will endure. Truth be told, the church in the western culture is not growing. Why? At evidence of God's presence (fruit) within most of those attending and those leading. What happens when consumers no longer find what they are seeking from a local retailer?   They leave! Well, back in the day, most individuals had to rely on the discipline of God (i.e. LABOR ) to have provisions to live. No retailer or government  as we know today to go and "conveniently" buy or receive from. Same goes...