The Role of a Disciple

Whether serving a job or God, commitment is a topic to reckon with. It is easy to say you will do something, but doing it is another. Many of us have good intentions, but usually end up serving ourselves instead of God. Not only that, but we get started into something using our own endurance, not God's.  How? We are responding out of the sense of duty (self centered) as opposed to a sense of love to God (surrendered).  

A very important lesson I learned when becoming a firefighter-paramedic is that I had to surrender to the authority (control) of my officers and medical director. Well, when I take myself out of the equation (my desire to be in control) I gained a better perspective and understanding of the value of surrender. I had to admit that I did not know everything and that others who were in authority, usually because they had greater experience and knowledge, were to be respected.  I had to understand my place. Guess what, my authority, which I had some, was only granted  by the authority of my superiors.  I, at times, because of my certifications as a firefighter-paramedic, was given certain privileges (authority) provided by local and state laws, the community I served, my officers,  and medical director.

Just because I was granted privileges, did not mean I was to take total control. I was only to perform those duties and skills which were within my scope of practice. Just because I was given the authority to practice advanced medical life support did not make me a doctor. Just because when I arrived first on scene,  had the responsibility to establish command in order to bring order to the chaos, did not make me an officer or chief of the department. Once those who had that authority arrived, I surrendered command over to them.   I had to know my place in the hierarchy of the department and act accordingly. 

How do  put this into perspective as a Christian?  The scripture teaches that we are ambassadors of the kingdom of heaven of whom God is the king. As one who has received Christ, I am given access to all that Christ provides to perform my duties as an ambassador.  Well, just like a good chief would not throw a rookie into a position that requires great amount of experience, Christ does not throw new believers into any position of which they do not belong.  In retrospect, any good rookie would not want the responsibility (understands self strengths and weaknesses) of one who has more experience. 

A rookie, whether in law enforcement, fire, or EMS , is expected to have the fortitude to grow, overcome weaknesses, and mature to become a seasoned professional capable of handling most situations without being overcome by them. He or she can obtain that maturity alone. They need a mentor to help with the process. So too is the responsibility of a believer.  Start out having the responsibility to accept Christ.  Learn His way.  Have the fortitude and ambition to move to a more mature, seasoned position which God does give greater responsibility, disciple. Each respective role must become knowledgeable of those protocols and operational policies which govern the position. Always remember, just because God allows you to participate in what He is doing does not make you God. Do not accept a responsibility you have not been given.

As a disciple I must fellowship God in word, prayer, and practice. The book of Titus is a letter from Paul to Titus giving instruction on how to "pastor" or care for those he was sent to (give instruction, teach). In chapter 3, there is clear instruction on what behavioral traits Christians were to have.  Read the book of Titus. Feel free to comment on what you receive from your  reading.




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