Oneness with Christ

It has been my experience, that there are times when Father allows my prayer to become active. I mean, dig into the content of what it is I am praying about. So, in obedience, woke this morning at 5 am to "dig in" to the Bible to learn at least one example of what it means to be "one" with God...Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Did you know that James was the half brother (Matt 13:55, Mark 6:3) of Jesus Christ? It is interesting that James, having been given the prime opportunity to "know" or be "one" with Christ, would be so, but not so. Not until later (Christ's death and resurrection) in his life would he surrender to the understanding of his half brother as LORD and Savior. I guess this shows that association does not necessarily equate relationship.

"It is suggested by Christian scholars that James' audience were those "twelve tribes scattered among the nations" (James 1:1) Jewish-Christians who scattered out into the far-flung communities outside Palestine where the gospel took a foothold." (Encountering the New Testament, p. 354).   

James, a former Jew and skeptic of Christ understood the plight of his counterparts. Interesting thought, James humbled himself to the LORDship of Christ to be freed so to make much of Christ. He combined elements of prophecy and wisdom from the "Old Testament" "New Testament" to communicate that understanding Christ requires knowledge and practice of the word of God. It is known that Jesus always existed with the Father and Spirit since the beginning. Christ was the 'WORD' of God. If Christ came to fulfilled the word, we must follow His model. James explains, "be doers, not hearers only".

I, like James, I believe that my life is to be lived out as a practical witness to Christ fulfilled in me, not just a knowledge of it. Why? I gain understanding! ONENESS!
This understanding does not only benefit me, but those lives I am a part of. How does one gain influence in another's life? Trust! How is trust obtained? Practice of fulfillment of his/her word.

Being associated with someone by contract is not in of itself a demonstration of desire, trust, or fidelity. Relationship is a demonstration of a return (dividend) of another's investment into my life. Jesus Christ invested (sacrificed) His deity, honor, fear, social status, opportunity for wealth, and so much more including His life to demonstrate His desire for you and me. His obedience reflected His oneness with His father. Christ, no matter the cost, out of love, surrendered and submitted everything to the will of His father. Should we do the same as well?

This is my prayer for myself and you:
1. That we would have the eyes to see opportunities to be one with Christ and our spouses.
2. We would have ears to hear His ever subtle voice instructing us to who, what, when, where, and why of being available.
3. We would have the heart of Christ to obey. To not only be hearers of the word, but doers as well. 


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