Be an EXPLORER of God

Curiosity is a natural instict of man. To desire knowledge must include the desire to apply that knowledge to life.  Integrity is the discipline to practice without self interpretation. A life undisciplined interferes with the attempt to display truth.

The desire to understand should never be quenched.  Curiosity is not what "killed the cat". It  was the subject matter of which the  cat was curious that lead to it's demise.

The will to identify the unknown has with it an element of fear, the natural human emotion built into us that acts as a "security" agent protecting you and me from an arguably vulnerable position, our sense of control.

Ephesians 3:18-19 describes that God is dementional. He desires us to know the height, width, and depth of His love.

Be bold! Explore the deepth, width, and height of God. Swim into the depth of His word. Climb the height of His ordinances, view the width of His glory.

The knowledge and understanding you obtain through practicing His word is to be used to help those who have not yet reached that particular region of God. Don't claim ownership of what treasures you find. Distribute the wealth of your new understanding, "Be a kind to one another".. Ephesians 4:32.

Exploration will cost you! "Put on the armor" Ephesians 6:11-17. Go regardless!


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