A Cost Of Being "Sick And Tired"

You may have heard the expression "I'm sick and tired of...". Often, it is associated with a situation or circumstance which may be stressful. Repeated stress without resolve my result in an accumulation of frustration which may be expressed as repeated “complaining” behavior.

By its definition, to complain (verb) is to express a dissatisfaction or annoyance about something (circumstance, situation, status, object) or someone. To perceive or recognize (discern) an error in character, practice, or policy is not to be considered a fault. What may be a fault? How your or I handle the discernment. Responsibly or irresponsibly? What should you or I do with that discernment? Is it used innocently to identify a potential error or hazard to bring resolve or is it used as a prideful or arrogant deformation of someone's character or to esteem self?

"No one like to spend time with a complainer, yet by some estimates the rate of complaints in American conversations is 70-84%" (Scott Bea PsyD, Maintaining A Healthy Immune System: What you can do to help, Leonard H. Calabrese, D.O.,p.26). "Complaining is not good for our immune systems. Negativity and "bad stress" cause the immune system to not work well"      (Scott Bea PsyD, Maintaining A Healthy Immune System: What you can do to help, Leonard H. Calabrese, D.O., p. 26).

The effect of stress on the immune system can be significant. Please refer to the link to read a secular publication by Dr. Leonard H. Calabrese “Maintaining a Healthy Immune System: What you can do to help”.(As  a disclaimer, I am only providing this reference to provide information that applies to my intention to identify effects on the body from stress (p.26 of link above), not a promotion of those featured in the publication. Some of the suggestions contained in this publication may provide some information that may help  guide you to a healthier immune system. Not intended as Biblical council. Use your own discretion please.

“The complainer is synonymous with the Biblical term grumbler-one who is discontented with his lot in life.” Complaining is certainly not a fruit of the Spirit. In fact, it can be detrimental to the peace, joy, and patience that come from the Spirit”, (https://www.gotquestions.org/Bible-complaining.html). So harboring the effects of discontentment can be detrimental to our Spiritual health and, as evidenced by medical study, be detrimental to our physical health as well.  

I have found many Biblical references related to the topic of complaining. See this link ( ESV used by provider). 

How you deal with stress (or not) may have a direct effect on not only your Spiritual health but your physical health as well. Father knows best. Let us follow His instructions or reflect in our most vulnerable state in order to  protect ourselves from attack whether self inflicted or not. 

If you are interested in learning how your Christian Faith and health are connected, go to Faith and Health Connection to find out more details and how you can help to "connect the dots".

Share your comments, concerns, or valid input. 

In Him, for Him, through Him,
Clint Fleming.


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