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This page allows you, the viewer to share a testimony on how this ministry is contributing toward your walk with Christ. 


  1. As you say, brother, a hobby or a walk can provide a certain amount of peace but only for a time because it is man-made and cannot sustain itself for very long. I call those 'stolen moments' truces rather than victories: deep breaths in the midst of the storm as compared to storm-stilling breaths of God breathed out on my life. You make a very good point brother: that we can only find lasting, abiding peace as we abide in Him at last: in Him Who is our Peace. God bless you, Clint.

  2. Thank you Mark. I appreciate your continued prayers and support.

  3. Ricardo MattosAugust 23, 2014 at 2:32 AM
    It is now 5 in the morning for me also, as I happen to wake up and though I try to go back to sleep, I can't. So I decided to take this time to write. I wanted to say that my wife and I were blessed by the other night when you and your family came over to have dinner with us. Although we already had this conversation over the phone, I must reiterate that although the dinner was great, it was not about the food, nor the jokes, and laughs, but really something much more profound than that.

    It was definitely a good time for fellowship, and a time for learning and encouraging. You really encouraged my wife and I last night, because we were reminded that we are not the only ones that have trials and tribulations. We are all constantly being tested and challenged. If we expect to be Holy like God is, then we must expect God to do some pruning on his branches, and to put the gold through the fire to purify it. And that's us.

    We must expect a moment of difficulty. A moment of pain and agony. A moment that it will either define us, or we will define it. And through the midst of it all, a revelation. Yes, a revelation indeed! God is all about revealing what our eyes and ears cannot see or hear. We just need to be willing. The same way Jesus had his trials and tribulations, we have ours. And we don't have to do it alone like He did. We get to the do it with Him!! So let that thought alone bring joy to our hearts, for He does not leave us or forsake us!! When I left the gym yesterday, I picked up a piece of paper that was inside of a basked that said "Thoughts to share" and it read "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways" Psalm 91:11.

    That was encouraging and I pray this may be encouraging to whoever gets to read this.

    God bless you and your family Clint.

    1. Good morning Ricardo!
      I hope you are both well.
      Let's chat!

  4. Ricardo,

    I love it when scripture comes alive. I love experiencing "whenever two or more are gathered" Mathew 18:20. Thank you for your obedience to our LORD and sharing Psalm 91:11 with me.


  5. Indeed, the lord is in this place!

    1. Excited to see what God will continue to do in Kenya through you. Go forth.

  6. Clint, thank you for introducing yourself to me and for spending several hours with me today. May your tribe increase. May Father use you to raise up more first responders for the Kingdom of God. May your family experience the presence, love and joy of God in your hearts. I look forward to our families spending more time together in the future. I believe our Father has uniquely had His hand of your past and has positioned you for His purpose in the future.

  7. Great website, Clint. As you know I'm very techno-challenged. It will take me a month to check it out. I'll get back to you. :o)

  8. I checked out your blog this morning and really enjoyed it. I will be reading it again.

    1. Good morning Colton.

      Praise God! To Hime be all the glory!

      Thank you for your comments.

      Where are you in the world? How did you come about this blog?


    2. I’m just passing through. I met you at BOB.


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