Live Your Life for Christ

Explore the word of God with all your heart, you will find truth and be set free (Jer.29:11-13). Ignore it, you will be deceived and held captive by Satan's snare.  Live out the Word of God, you will experience God and be strengthened. Be hearers only, you will become emaciated. ~Clint

We must intentionally seek Christ so we will not deceive ourselves or be deceived by others.  The scripture warns us not to lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).  Why would God not want us to do so?  Because our flesh is selfish, and selfishness draws us away from God's desire for us.  The bible also states that when we follow God's plan, He gives us the desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4). The question is, what does your heart desire?  God's will or your own? 

The world is a dark place. God's word is a light upon our path (Psalm 119:105). His light helps to keep you from stumbling.

The choice is yours.  What will you decide? 


  1. Working on commission requires willingness to work and knowledge of the product of the word to meet the company's objective of souls for the Kingdom that become disciples.

    1. Thank you Zach. Yes we must read, hear, accept, and do the word of God. If not, we are poor representatives of the truth of God.


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