Follow the Leader

The model of Christian leadership is Jesus Christ. There were numbers of men and women who
followed Christ's example. Each had the
responsibility to pass on their desire, knowledge, and experience to others.
The role of a disciple was not appointed to someone just
because they were a warm body and accepted Christ. He or she bore the
"fruit" of Christ's presence in their lives. No, they were not
perfect, but did exemplify the characteristics of Christ so that others would
achieve the same.
Who, other than a pastor, has exemplified the character of
Christ in your life? What have you
gleaned from him or her? Have you changed? Are you passing it on?
James 1:21-22 "Therefore, putting aside all filthiness
and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted,
which is able to save your souls. 22 But prove yourselves doers of the word,
and not merely hearers who delude themselves."
To delude oneself is
to impose or accept a misleading belief upon oneself. If you are leaning on
your own understanding of how it is to be "Christian" or leaning on
inexperienced Christians, be careful. You may be misleading yourself and
others. This is like taking on a new job
without understanding how to do it or being mentored by someone who does
not have experience.
In the career of
public safety, you could get killed or kill someone else if this mentality is
practiced. Why do it you your Christian walk? Follow the scripture. Get
discipled or become a disciple one if God is calling you.
Choose your leadership wisely! We all must grow and lean on
God's direction in the process. A trusting relationship with God and Biblical knowledge
is your first step.
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